Prochoice stockbrokers following approval by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Committee (CySEC) provides the following investment services relating to the Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) and the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE):
Investment services:
- Reception and transmission of orders
- Executing orders on behalf of clients
Ancillary services:
- Holding and management of financial instruments, including custody and related services
- Foreign exchange services provided that they are related to the provision of investment services
- Research on the investment sector and financial analysis or other recommendations
- Investment services and activities concerning underlying derivative instruments
- Credit or loan provision to clients in order to conduct transactions on one or more financial instruments provided that the company providing the credit or the loan is involved in the transaction
Our clients also have the option to carry out their transactions personally through the internet, by using their personal account on Prochoice’s electronic platform (Telemobilo). Thus, they can observe and manage their portfolio at their own discretion.