ProChoice provides to the investors the “Telemobilo” electronic platform for the execution of financial transactions. This platform is at the investors’ disposal 24h a day, free of charge and is connected with all the available online site maps provided that the user has internet access.

The platform provides, in real time, constant updates concerning the value of the portfolio as well as portfolio analysis in relation to the existing available funds and the investor’s positions. The user is enabled through the platform to quickly and safely transfer orders to the Cyprus Stock exchange (CSE) and the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE). He/she also has access to analytical information concerning previous orders as well as all the movements of his/her account.

In order to activate the electronic account and gain access to the platform, the investor will have to fill out the “COMPLEMENTARY DOCUMENT” and submit it to the company’s head offices along with the application form for account opening. Provided that such information exists, the user name and password will subsequently be sent to the applicant by email.

Our company’s clients will shortly have the option of accessing the platform for execution of financial transactions through smartphones and tablets.

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